Monday, September 29, 2008

What a Difference a Minute Makes!

This morning I started week two of my training with a new partner! Kelly and I both got up early and started our driveway run. Oh my, what a difference a minute makes. I thought I was going to die!!! Kelly did much better than me and he didn't run half as much as I did last week! Someone please tell me it gets easier?!! I drank plenty of water last night, ate a breakfast bar before heading out... I am wondering if it would be better to do the run/walk on the treadmill until I get my endurance built up? Anyway, I did it today, we'll see what tomorrow brings! I am not discouraged!


Roan said...

did yall run on the gravel? Don't do that! Run either on a hard surface or in your grass or on your trail. To me, anything outside beats the treadmill. Save the treadmill for rainy, winter days. Are you going too fast? Slow down to build endurance. Tell Kelly to keep it up! He will probably run faster than you, so don't be tempted to keep up with him. Slow and steady wins the race (the race of getting fit!!)

Em said...

That's so funny! The schedule I'm following is different from yours. I'm just running 90 seconds per "spurt", and I'm AMAZED at how long a minute and a half can be!!!

I'm still at the point that I can not IMAGINE this will ever be anything but cruel & unusual punishment!

Mark & I ran at the track yesterday. It was the second run I've done on pavement, and both times, my knee (hurt it years ago, cheerleading) has hurt. Hate that, b/c I MUCH prefer the pavement to the pasture!

I'm going back to the track tomorrow evening! Come if you can!

You're doing so great! We'll both be so proud come October 25!


Anonymous said...

I am fixing to go do my walk/run in about an hour-straight up hill and down!!
It's so much fun- I love it- and it does get easier!
I am no where ready to run the whole thing- but I know I will be soon enough!!
Keep it up (plus I've lost 2 pounds!!! haha)

Lisa said...

Definitely run outside as much as you can. The treadmill is a great thing but is no substitute for what you gain by training your body to accommodate itself to different changes in the road, temps, wind, etc. Endurance will come and it will get easier. Keep in mind tho, there will always be those runs that are just plain awful. But you'll use those runs to remind yourself "if I can endure that, I can endure ANYTHING" For that reason, there's no such thing as a bad run -- you always learn something from it. Keep up the good work -- sounds to me like you're doing GREAT!