Monday, September 1, 2008

Tooth Fairy Blues!

The Tooth Fairy is failing miserably at our house! I am thinking that she most definitely needs to be fired and replaced. The last tooth that my precious Carson lost and so carefully placed for her to pick up and leave that so much anticipated dollar must have been sick, on vacation or extremely exhausted! Hummm.... because she forgot to stop by and make her pick-up! She was forgiven, and we hoped for better next time. Well.... Last night, Carson finally let his Aunt Lesley pull one of his front, top teeth, after it has been hanging by a thread for quite some time! He fell asleep forgetting to place it under his pillow. I found it this morning and decided I would shine it up for the Fairy tonight. I told myself while brushing, not to drop it down the sink - you see it coming right!? So what to do now? Do we call a plumber or leave a note. Oh me... decisions, decisions! What will the fairy do?


Megan said...

So cute!

Em said...

We always say, "wow, the tooth fairy must have been SUPER busy last night, but hey, that means she leaves DOUBLE the $$ when she gets here!"

As for the tooth down the drain, the fairy can totally fit down there if she has a note telling her where to find it!