Sunday, September 28, 2008

To Everything There is a Season...Eccl. 3:1

This weekend I was privileged enough to go to a Christian Women's Retreat in Olive Branch with my dear friend, Roan.

The theme of the retreat was "Seasons of a Woman's Life," and it was terrific! Each session was an analogy of the seasons and how each is such an important time in our lives as Christian women: spring being a time of discovery 1 Tim. 4:12, summer a time of learning Titus 2:4-5, Fall being faith in action Proverbs 31:10-31 and winter a season of influence and reflection Titus 2:3. The speakers were awesome and so full of enthusiasm, wisdom and encouragement! The singing was amazing - I know this must be how Heaven will sound one day!!! It was a great surprise to see my friend, Stacee, her mom and sisters, there!!

The lessons were great, the fellowship was great, the singing was great, and the food was not bad either - I ate way too much!!! I am looking forward to next year and can't wait to get more to go and share in the wonderful time of encouragement! I enjoyed myself, but am thankful to be back home with my family to experience these "Seasons of Joy!!!"


Dana said...

Sounds like you had a great time of learning and fellowship.

Em said...

Hey Lynn!
So glad y'all had fun! Times like that are so refreshing, aren't they?!

We should get together soon! I'm in a "visit-y" mood!
