Friday, September 26, 2008

Redneck Runner!

You might be a Redneck Runner if your cheering squad is the cow in the pasture next door!!! More on that later....

I have been hanging in the balance for months on possibly trying to run, but until this past week I had decided it was not for me! A couple of reasons have changed my mentality on the subject. First, my friend, Roan, who ran a long run of 7 miles this week, has inspired and encouraged me! I am amazed at her determination and endurance! It made me realize that I could do it - probably never 7, but at least 2 or 3! My other friend, Emily, was the one to push me over the edge. After reading her post, "Something Big Chasing Me," I was laughing so hard - I decided that if she could run around her pasture in pj's - then 'By George' I could run the trail that Kelly had bush hogged for our family a few weeks ago! So after looking at several sites that Roan gave me, I found a training program that looked manageable for me! It is an eight week plan, that slowly builds each week. I have to admit, it has been really hard to make myself get up each morning, but after each time, I feel great! This week I a have alternated between walk two minutes, run one ten times for a total of 30 minutes - this is 1 1/2 miles and on the other day I walk. On the walk, run days I have been on the treadmill and on walking days I have walked our driveway and trail. I have had two faithful companions on those days, Jake and Hunter, our Labs. They stay with me the whole time. Here's where the title of this post comes in. I have made a new friend next door, he's a cow! He follows along with me as far as the fence will allow, and after that he stands and "moos" really loudly - I am sure he is rooting me on!!! Anyway, everyone keep the encouragement and motivation coming! With the help of that, and of course my "mooing" squad, I might be able to do this!!!


Leigh said...

HI-LAR-I-OUS! You have a cheerleading cow (probably always the base of the pyramid) and perfect weather. You can do it!

Anonymous said...

I walk/run- you can do it!!
I ran a lot further than I usually do last night- it felt GREAT!!!

Mrs. Johnson said...

So funny! Roan is still working on me. Maybe one day, I'll bite the bullet!