Friday, April 3, 2009

Week in Review

Let's see if I can recall what all has gone on with the Mims this week.........

Monday, my sweet friend, Kim was kind and brave enough to watch my kiddos, so that I could welcome a new addition to our family. My cousin, Christy, delivered the cutest, little baby boy!His name is Andrew Carter and bless his sweet heart he has 5 older sisters. Let's start praying for the little man now! Thanks Kim, the children had a wonderful time and can't wait to come again! After picking up the kids, we had piano and allergy shot. Kelly came home a little early and practiced some baseball with the boys, while I ran at the hospital track.

Tuesday, we had school and then Avery had gymnastics class. I dropped off the children with Kelly at the office and went to Kroger to grocery shop, saved $46 with coupons and plus card savings! I am trying harder to be a smarter shopper.... every penny counts! Rushed home from the grocery store, unloaded and put away groceries, changed clothes, jumped back in the van with everyone and went to the track, ran 3 miles, then straight to Carson's soccer game. Whew... can you say exhausting!

Wednesday was a little more relaxed. We had school and did some house cleaning. We didn't have to get in the van until late afternoon! It was my daddy's birthday, so we went out to eat before church to celebrate his 54th! Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Thursday, I began the day cleaning out the "catch all" closet under the stairs. This is our safe place in case of bad weather, and storms were predicted for the day..... so had to clean out to make room for 5 children and me! Thankfully, we didn't have to take refuge there! Soccer games were cancelled because of extremely wet field conditions..... Yessssssss! We were going to the track to run, but it looked like we had more rain moving in, so Kelly got on the treadmill, while I started supper. After he finished, the skies were cleared, so I decided that I would run on our little, country road. The temperature was wonderful, and I felt great. My only fear were dogs chasing, biting me and being run over by a car! I obviously needed to fear severe thunderstorms, high wind, and treacherous rainfall! The plan was for me to end my run at Christy's house, and Kelly was going to pick me up there. I made it to her house about 2 minutes before the storm came over us! Next time, I will check the radar! I came home to a clean kitchen and was able to take a quite, peaceful uninterrupted bath..... thanks to my bodyguard, I mean sweet hubbie!

Today we were on our way to co-op, and Jared started singing a tall tale song about John Henry, and I realized that I had forgotten the video of Paul Bunyan that I was showing to my group! I had made it all the way to the Trace, in Kelly's truck because I had to take 12 feet logs (cardboard carpet tubes) for our logging games and had to turn and go back home! Oh my, not a good start! All turned out okay..... I was only 14 minutes late, and there were several other mamas who came in after me! Our co-op was great! We reviewed the Pacific and Southwest regions by playing a game, kids created some beautiful sand art, talked about tall tales and wrote our own, and the best part was going outside to chalk out the diameter and height of the sequoias! Wow, I can't wait to behold that sight, Lord willing, one day on a vacation with my sweeties!

When I got home this afternoon, I had received a gift from Kelly in the mail! It is a Garmin running watch, and I am so incredibly excited about having one! After the race last weekend, I wanted one so badly! Kelly says that I am so spoiled, but I choose to think that I am so LOVED!
Thanks honey! He did use it this afternoon during his run, he ran 3.1 miles in 33 something! Yeah! I am so proud!

That's all for now! Gotta get some sleep! John Parker and Carson have baseball practice at 9:30 and 10:30 in the morning! I am going to run 3.5 miles at Ballard Park while they practice. Wish me luck, this will be the most I have ever run!

Excuse the rambling and please disregard all spelling and grammatical errors..... I am one, extremely tired mama!


Anita said...

Sounds like you have had a busy week! Good for you on the running. I don't know that Jeff and I will ever get there!! It would be great if we would just walk. I'm talking the kids into making a running walking track around the house. I think it would be over a mile long, but they need to do a little clearing first. Have a good weekend.

Roan said...

You and Kelly are doing so well with your running! I am so happy for you! Sign Kelly up for the Elvis Presley 5K. If you need help with your watch settings, bring it to church tomorrow.
Your week sounded great! I hope co op was enjoyable.