Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mansion 5K

This morning when I woke at 5:30, I went into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and a peanut butter fold-over for a boost of energy! When I opened the cabinet door to get the bread, a tea pitcher fell from the top shelf and hit me square on the bridge of my nose. It hurt soooooo bad, I thought to myself is this a sign of things to come and should I just go crawl back into bed?! I rubbed my throbbing nose, made my coffee and sandwich, and headed off to a hot shower! I had planned on being at the race by 6:15, but actually didn't get there until closer to 6:30. On the way, I witnessed a beautiful sunrise and an extra bonus, an awesome rainbow. That was my sign that all was going to be good! It was OK that I was running behind, because so were the race coordinators! I took a very slow warm-up jog and then off to the start line. As soon as the start was announced I hit start on my Garmin, and to my sheer dismay, it wasn't displaying my pace or distance! Can you say - Frustration...... I shook it off and just tried to concentrate on my pace and breathing. I ran pretty well and only took 2 maybe 3 short walk breaks. It began to rain and by the end of the race I was wet, but it felt great! At the finish, I saw my time was 34:00:04, and I was really disappointed, because I had set a personal goal of 32:00!

Nearing the finish!

After returning my chip, I went over to the sidelines with Jimmy, Olivia, and Julie to watch others come in. Jimmy informed me that the course was 2 tenths longer than it was supposed to be! That meant I did better on my time! Roan told me how to use a pace calculator to figure my actual 3.1 time and it was 31:55!! I am very happy with that!

"Are we having fun yet?"
After finishing, Roan went back and ran with Jenny, Season and Megan coaching them to the finish!

I had a great time seeing everyone and seeing them accomplish their goals! I am concerned about my knee, and hope that it will be okay. It seems like a pretty common issue, and hopefully with proper care I can manage it without a serious injury. I am looking forward to the next race in a few weeks, this time a 1oK! I do plan on taking it easy and slow and enjoying myself!

Jenny, Megan, Season, Becky, Lindsey, Roan & me

We had several men from our church who also ran and all placed!

Way to go Scott, Jackie & John!


Roan said...

Your actual 3.1 race time was super! Great job meeting your goal. When it is cloudy outside, give your Garmin a few minutes to locate.....turn it one and be still for a few minutes until all of the display screens are lit up. I actually set my watch down somewhere while I get everything ready. Then I put it on after it locates....
It took me a couple of hours, but I finally posted!

Megan said...

I didn't know you had all that trouble with your watch! So glad you met your goal, and I'll be cheering for you in the 10K!

Unknown said...

Nice skirt. ;)

Lisa said...

Great job on your run! What a great surprise to see you Wednesday nite. I had hoped to see you again before you left. I hope you will always stop in & visit us whenever you're in town.