Thursday, July 17, 2008

Smithsonian - Day Five: Part 2

We spent the 2nd half of our day at the National Air and Space Museum.
The museum was loaded with icons from the history of flight and space explorations.

Where the history of flight all began, the very first Wright brothers airplane!!

Apollo Lunar Module: Astronaut Neil Armstrong, after descending
the "Eagle," took the first steps on the moon on July 29, 1969.

The kids were able to climb aboard a Boeing 747 and experience a cockpit simulation of a take-off and landing.

Here are some of the dozens of airplanes displayed. I am not even going to pretend I know what that all are, or exactly what time period in history that they are from. They were amazing hanging from the ceilings!

While the boys were seeing the IMAX film, Fighter Pilot, we had a little ice cream break!

"Hey Nana, let go!!! I can handle this just fine on my own!"

Poor Avery! She is so tired, but the ice cream makes it a little better!

Our future little pilots test piloting a cessna!

Uncle Stephen, oops - I meant David Copperfield, working his Magic!!!!

On the Metrorail heading back to our rooms for a much needed restie!!!

Kids are still in awe of this type of transportation!

What a day!!! Packed full, exhausting but fun and very educational!
The kids loved it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like that picture of Avery. She wanted the icecream with the "blue goo," and it taste like Boo Berry Cereal. Of course i had to finish it when she was done. Cya later, Kelly