Monday, March 2, 2009

I've got the blues.....

I am singing the winter time blues! I am so tired of this crazy winter weather we have been having and all the sickness that comes with it..... I want sunshine, warm temperatures, birds singing, grass greening, flowers blooming, kids swinging, and the list goes on! I don't know what it is, but it seems like every year between Christmas and spring time, I get the blues, not depression really, but just a yearning for new birth, spring cleaning, yard work! I love being outside planting flowers and enjoying the fresh air, it truly is therapy for me. Growing up I never understood my mama's love for flowers and being outdoors working so diligently! I thought it was so silly to waste time that way, but now I see. I am making my list of all those things I want to do in and around our house, and it is insanely long, but I am ready to start checking them off one at a time. Sunny days are coming............


Em said...

I'm usually the opposite...hanging onto Winter for dear life, trying to eek out one last fire in the fireplace! I typically don't enjoy summertime, but I AM ready for this winter sickness to LEAVE!!!

And fresh veggies are always nice. Fried squash days are coming soon!

Have a great day!

Anita said...

My list of things to do is a mile long....well, actually is not written down....only in my head!! We are going to actually try to have a garden again this year so we need to get our planning done for that....Have a good day! The skies are blue!

Unknown said...

You mean, making your husband a list.....

Lynn said...

There are two list, "honey do" and a lynn list :)