Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fall Getaway

Kelly had a conference this week in Jackson, and the kids and I tagged along. We left Wednesday afternoon and got back yesterday afternoon. It was very short, but much needed. I have been feeling cooped up with cabin fever lately. We went to Bible study at the church in Clinton Wednesday night. It was good to see friends there and also to see some of the ladies that I met last year at the women's retreat. Thursday, I took the kids to the MS Museum of Natural Science. It was a great museum, the kids really enjoyed it. They had some beautiful nature trails, but the weather was rainy and cool. We were able to walk for a while on one in between rains.
Afterwards, we went back to our hotel, The Edison Walthall, one of the oldest in downtown Jackson- not my favorite, but it was paid for, to rest and wait on Kelly to finish his class. We went to Target to do some Christmas shopping, but unfortunately did more shopping for ourselves! We enjoyed a delicious dinner at the Macaroni Grill, ate way too much, but it was soooo good! Friday morning we checked out and went to a different Target, I know... pretty silly for some, but not for me! I had to return some stuff and also wanted to see if they had some things the other didn't have in my size. Kelly finished at noon, so we picked him up and headed out. We stopped at Raising Canes, a chicken tender place and picked up lunch and went to the reservoir and had a picnic. The weather was beautiful! We also stopped and walked the BaldCyprus Swamp Trail on the Trace. It was very interesting and the kids loved it! That is the extent of our short, but fun trip!


Megan said...

We live very close to where you were all weekend. Not even a mile from County Line Road and just as close to the reservoir!

Anonymous said...

It was so good to see y'all!!
It makes me homesick every time from Tupelo visits!! :)

Megan said...

Yes...same neighborhood as Jimmy and Roan lived.