Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Catching Up!

So life around here has been incredibly busy, but when is it not? Last week, we had our Contenders of the Faith and Keepers of the Home meeting. This club comes together once a month with the parents leading all the devotions and activities. The boys learned all about magnets, and the girls learned how to make chenille and sew pillows from it and the younger girls painted cute, little flower pots and planted snapdragons. The kids enjoy this time so much. On Tuesday, Kelly took the day off to mulch all our flower beds and this was an all day job, but he had lots of helpers!

Carson also started his spring soccer season Tuesday night and will be playing twice a week until May. On Friday, we had our Konos co-op. We had studied the states of Alaska and Hawaii and culminated with lots of fun activities on Friday. The kids made leis, Hawaiian headbands, volcanoes and snowmen. Also, the kids enjoyed snow cones and fruit smoothies. Carson did his report in large group about Eskimos, and he did an awesome job! After our sack lunches, we had a mom who grew up in Hawaii, come and teach our children 2 Hawaiian dances. Everyone had a great time! Saturday, I spent the entire day cleaning house, and it was a MESS!!!! We hosted our monthly Bible study Saturday night. This week we have been finishing school around 11:30 and after lunch for the past 3 days the kids have been outside playing, fishing, walking the trails, riding the go-cart, and today withOUT permission went wading, swimming in Papa and Nana's lake!!!! I was not a happy mama! I am pretty sure that will never happen again. With all the rain last week and all the playing outside, I have been spending lots of time doing muddy laundry. They have been begging me to go swimming, so I can't wait for the water to heat up so they can have some good, clean fun!!!!

Here are some pictures from our co-op.


Claire and Hannah

All the kids had a blast erupting their volcanoes!

Tammy trying to crack the coconut!
Carson & Caroline enjoying smoothies

John Parker doing the hula!


Jared is ready to eat his snowman!


Amy said...

Love the pics and can I steal some for my blog, since I've lost Anna's camera?!?!?!?!

Megan said...

Looks like fun!

Kimberly @ Raising Olives said...

That looks like so much fun. We did the coconut and the volcano earlier this year when we were studying the Pacific Islands. Cool!
